textile, thread
2,9m x 4m
Jelsa, HR

The artwork explores the act of airing the laundry as a gesture of manifesting the invisible household work held by women.
The brief moment in which the washed items are hung outside to be dried — when they appear in a public space, taken out from the private realm, fully displayed for the spectator’s eye — is the moment the dazzling facades are reclaimed.

Artwork was shown at Jelsa Art Biennial, hanging from the balcony of Jelsa Municipal Museum, right above the street, facing the church. It is a continuation of the Laundresses project. 

While all the other steps of doing the laundry (and domestic work in general) take place inside, within these four walls, — invisible to the public not in the least aware of all the fuss — drying laundry crosses that line, and enters the public sphere of the streets.
Due to this brief, yet cyclical intrusion into the outside world, it could be seen as a manifesto of incessant and invisible labor carried out by women, becoming, at the same time, a mark of female visibility imprinted on the public space.

For this brief moment, we shamelessly take over the shiny facades. They are ours until the sun and breeze will dry the laundry. Then, we will bring it back inside, iron, fold, put it in the right places, in the right drawers, and — while sipping on manzanilla, washing our toes, and paying the bills — patiently wait for the moment we will disturb the public view with it, again.

fragment of The Laundresses. While drying the facades will be ours. published in The Perfect House Has Become a Ruin. On Lavoirs. ed. Elena Braida

pictures: Jose Spinola